by Suzan Johns and Nancy Stephens

September 11, 1997

Dear Vic and Bev,

The plane flights were on time and without incident. The Malev Hungarian airlines was great -- good seats and service, food great. When we got to Budapest we got the mini-bus OK- after that things kinda went downhill.

We got to the train station and when we finally found the information counter, we found out there was no 12:10 train to Zahoney as we were told. The only train to Zahoney was at 4:20 pm, so we decided to call you. The man (Gregory) in the information booth walked me to the phone and used his own phone card to get through to you since the coins didn't work when I tried to use them. Then we came back to his booth, he locked our luggage in and walked us to a restaurant down the street. We came back and he told us we could wait in his booth till it was time for the train, so we did, then he helped us with our luggage, and made sure we got on the right train and and in the right car. We couldn't have done it all without him. We will tell you more later.

The train was interesting. If that was the modern intercity one, I don't want to see the other one. We did have a six seat compartment to ourselves, so we could each stretch out and sleep a little (a very little) since the conductor kept wanting to see our tickets. We went in and shut the door and laid across the seats, so we wouldn't have any unwanted company. (Gregory warned us about the Albanians).

We got to Zahoney at 8:43 pm. Victor and Ivan were there waiting for us when we got off and helped us with our luggage. Victor gave us a big hug and kiss. We went to the car and headed to the border. It took us abut 2 hours to get across. Victor kept getting out and talking to the guards at each stop, and they would wave us through. At the first stop, after talking to the armed guards, he got back in the car and told us we were now diplomats, I said I guess we're important now--HA! We finally got across, they did check one of Nancy's suitcases, and upon seeing her Bible, Dental lab coat, and toilet paper, didn't bother to check the rest of our luggage- I don't know what that means.

We finally got across the border about 11:00 pm and headed to Khust. You were right about the roads, but Ivan was a good driver and knew right where the bumps were and usually missed them. We stoppped about half way and got a drink. Then on to Khust. Victor and Ivan helped us with our luggage, and we quickly got ready for bed and were glad to go to sleep at 2:00 AM at last. Nancy said it was great to be on something that didn't rock and roll.

Victor had said something about breakfast and something about 9:00 and 10:00, but I wasn't sure what, so we headed downstairs at 9:00 and found out they had prepared our breakfast, and then Victor came at 10:00 to get us. They brought us each a bouquet of flowers and a plate of fried mushrooms, chicken, fried bread, grapes, and pears. Brenda Plonis was with him, so it was nice to see her. Nelia was also along and helped translate.

Now we're at Mission Nazareth waiting, waiting and waiting some more. We want to see the dental equipment, but first we must go to market, go to lunch, see the town, then see the equipment. We are expecting Wayne to call Nancy in 10 minutes.

We gave Victor the donation to Mission Nazareth you sent along with us. He was very grateful. He has been very helpful.

Can't believe it's Thursday already.

Will update you later,


Nancy and Sue