Street Children - December 19, 2005 Update
We are in the fifth year of our successful Vinogradov Street Children
Program. The lives of children have been transformed/SAVED! On the
right is my wife Beverly with two of the street children who attached themselves
to her on our visit to Vinogradov in June 2004.
Vasyl Polichko FAXED us and sent along the photos below.

Sunday, December 18, 2005
To Victor Kubik in the United States (see
text in original Ukrainian)
The members of the Christian Brotherhood “Light of Love” with the best wishes
and love express their thankfulness to all who participated in helping us from
their good hearts to watch out not only for themselves, but for others who need
material help.
The Brotherhood “Light of Love” continues its charitable work with children
because it is one of our Christian values. It gives material help, food and
clothing to orphans and other children who are poorly cared for. From the
records of our kitchen, we cared for 32 children from dysfunctional families and
orphans. From January 1, 2005 to December 14, 2005 we served 6045 meals.

Many of these children have overcome difficult situations and have stopped using
uncensored and mean abusive language and many bad habits that they acquired with
other children on the streets. At first it was very difficult to make the
changes, but with God’s help they have made good and meaningful changes and they
have became much better children. Today, these children, along with us, glorify
God (they study the Bible, sing Christian songs, pray etc.) at the same time
when some of their former friends who behave badly are in special children’s
detention locations.
Among our children who are part of our soup kitchen there were two boys who
could not read or write, but we helped them become literate and now they are
studying with their contemporaries. At this time, one of the boys is studying at
an international college MONADA in city of Khust. This young man is an orphan
and our Brotherhood took him under full care. He is seeking to become a dental
technician and since the education needs to be paid for, the Brotherhood has
sent him to the college and is paying for his education. (We used funds from you
to provide this education)>
In addition to the daily meals at the charitable dining room of the Brotherhood
of the Light of Love, we organized day summer camps where we admitted 109
children. The length of the camp was 14 days that served three daily meals.
Thirteen of these children are inhabitants of The Svalyavsky region stayed at
the camp overnight with additional meals. At the camp we organized excursions in
the scenic Transcarpathian region, sports competition and various children’s
games, Bible games and a painting competition along with other activities.
The children were pleased, joyful and happy with hope that next year we can do
it again, but we know that it takes money to make this possible (Ecclesiastes
10:19) and LifeNets has been the sponsor whose head is our blessed brother
Victor Kubik.
The Brotherhood of the “Light of Love” sincerely thanks all of you, for the
financial help that has given us the possibility of giving our children tasty
and nutritious food, to have peace and heat in the dining area and to have
transport to bring the children from school to the dining area for meals.
May God reward you for your goodness and good works!
May you be blessed by God!
With respect
Vasyl Polichko
Director of the Brotherhood “Light of Love.”
Below are photos from the descriptions above.

Singing Christian songs at the Light
of Love

A great time at


Mealtime at the Light of Love
