February 2002 UPDATES from Vinogradov
February 26, 2002
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My name is Editka Danko and I am ten years old.
I have five brothers and five sisters. My youngest sister is Vikitsa who is two years old. We live with our grandmother who is 78 years old because our mother died more than a year ago and our father has abandoned us.
I go often to to the "Light of Love" with my brothers and sisters. They teach us how to live right and how to be good to others. They also give us free dinners. We really like how they prepare the food and we really enjoy the home-baked goods. We are very thankful to you that you provide the money to help pay for the cost of the food. We are also thankful for the gifts that were given to us recently.
Our entire family and our grandmother thanks all of you that you care for us. We give you special greetings and wish that God give you health!
February 12, 2002
Editka Danko
We are very thankful to God that there are people who deeply care for us and who note the extremely difficult conditions in our lives.
I am the mother of three children. My youngest is a daughter who is three years old and oldest are 12 and 14. My husband is disabled and all the money we have goes for his medicine. We are so grateful to find caring people from the "Light of Love" in the Vinogradov province who come for our children, take them to Bible classes and also give them tasty meals.
Our children recently received wonderful gifts and also on their birthdays. We are very thankful to these people who participate in helping our indigent family in this way.
My God give health to you and to those who have so little here.
With respect,
Anna Kurej
February 12, 20027,843