SET TWO:  On to Minneapolis

Posted March 1, 2001


We head off north to Minnesota to take
Indiana medical supplies up to container

Beds unloaded from U-Haul about to
loaded again to container

The empty 40 foot container about to be loaded

Bob Torgeson, Cliff Olson, and Ken Rothwell

Highly desired item: Dry milk

Morton Salt of St. Paul donated 2 tons of
iodized salt that is critically needed in Malawi

Part of the 1/2 ton of cooking oil that went
on the container

Brand new ultrasound machine donated by
the Timmy Foundation of Indianapolis

Hit Counter

Ken Rothwell of Minneapolis,  Minnesota giving
a helping hand

Cliff Olson worked ALL DAY Friday, Feb 23

Some of the 6,300 pounds of flour donated by
Lonnie Gjesvold and Bay City Milling

Bill Ellison, Russ Edelbach, Bev 
and Wilma Edelbach

Part of the ton and a half of rice from Sam's Club

Tom Kerestes, about to load sterilizer

Dave Jungwirth and the flour

Bob Torgeson

All of this went on the container.  The boxes in
the rear left some of the 118 cartons of bedding
from Dyanne Dick's NW coordination