Letters from Developing Nations Scholarship Fund Recipients

Lima, Peru
July 8th 2004

         I would like to express my gratitude to you and to Life Nets for the invaluable assistance you are providing for the students in Peru through the Scholarship program.

             This fine program is really making a difference in the life of the recipients of the aid. You all have helped in making these young men and women’s dreams come true. Most of them had to get into full time jobs right after finishing high school in order to help their families and themselves earn a living. They had good grades and had the potential to pursue higher education at a university level, but had to give that possibility up.

             When Life Nets started the Scholarship program in Peru they had the opportunity to get part time jobs and get into a university to get an education which is going to make a difference for them and their families.

             So far we have 7 students in our list. Two of them are studying to become dentists, Ana Mamani which is now making practices and helping the congregation in this field. The other student is Veronica Aguirre who is just starting her education.  Also we have Ernesto Pazos who is finishing this year and getting his degree as a mechanic, he is already practicing in a factory as a requirement to get his degree. José Quijano is studying journalism and is just half way into his program. Acropolis Herrera is studying economy, Betseida Leon is studying to become a secretary and Karen Alvarado is studying Oceanography. All of them are very good students and their grades are proof of that.

             All of them asked me to express their deepest gratitude for your loving generosity which inspires them to give the best of them in return.


 Your servant in Peru,

 Manuel Quijano

Lima, July 7th 2004 

To:  Life Nets

It is my pleasure to be able to write to you. My name is Ana Mamani and I give thanks to God for the opportunity I have to thank you for your generosity manifested in the assistance I am receiving to study which has helped me finish my fifth semester in the university. I am very positive that this year is also going to be a good one in my education.  I always pray to our Father in heaven for Him to pour out His blessings upon you because you have made a big difference in the life of several of us here in the UCG in Peru.  Many times we have the willingness to prepare ourselves to serve our families, our community and specially support the Work of God through His Church, but are limited because of financial reasons. That is why your help is extremely important, because with your example of generosity you are teaching us in a vividly manner the way of give. We intend to follow in your footsteps as soon as we are able.


I am very happy with my studies. Last year I started my practices, which is very encouraging because I am learning how to serve my neighbor in this country in a more efficient way. My university programmed “cavities prevention campaign” in poor areas. I had to go and teach people about the importance of oral hygiene and how to brush their teeth correctly.

I know I have a lot more to learn, but it is very important to me that I am able to help others already. It has been very encouraging to see the smiles of the people I have been able to serve because of your help.

I want to thank you again for teaching me the way of give. I will never forget it.

Ana Mamani

June 27, 2004

México City 

I write this letter to greet you and wishing  that you and your family are enjoying good health. 

I have benefited greatly with the scholarship program. Therefore, I am extremely grateful to you and to all the persons that are generously participating to make possible the scholarships program.

I say good bye for now and it is my desire that God continue to shower His blessings upon you and all the loving persons who are behind the scholarships program.

Warmest regards,

Gad Eliseo Sainoz Díaz

July 18, 2004

Dear ABC students: 

I am writing on behalf of the UCG congregation in El Salvador, Central America. I want you to know how much of a difference the LifeNets scholarship program has made for the young adults in this country. Without a higher education, these young adults don’t have a chance to obtain a good job with a decent salary in order to break the cycle of poverty that all of them live in. We’re talking about a country with a minimum salary of $150 a month. Imagine living on that and then imagine living on that with a family, and then think further and imagine putting kids through college with that salary. Our students are good kids that stay away from drugs, excess alcohol, and illicit sex. They study hard and really want to make something out of their lives. We have students that are studying engineering, architecture, dentistry, law, teaching, business administration, marketing, and accounting, among other subjects. The typical length of study for any program is six years (12 semesters) and students have to complete an extensive thesis as an undergraduate. Many students are also required to work for the government for one year in order to receive their diploma. My husband was able to go back to school himself last year, due to the funds provided by this project. He was forced to drop out five years ago with only 2 years left in order to work full time and earn money for his family when his dad was unemployed for almost a year. My brother-in-law just graduated from dental school, becoming the first professional in his family, thanks to the scholarship funds that are also helping his parents put two other kids through college. Another dentist and a lawyer (both women) graduated last December. Thanks to the help from people like you at ABC, LifeNets is able to provide the $8,000 a year that it takes to pay the tuition and some of the fees for all of our students. Yes, that’s right, for the cost of less that one year’s tuition for an American university student, you can put around 20 students through school for a year. What a deal! And what an incredible difference it makes in the lives of so many families and young adults. Thank you so very much for your continued efforts to raise money for this valuable project. We are amazed and eternally grateful for your generosity.


Barbara de Parada

Dear ABC students:

My name is Karla Esperanza Parada Guerrera, and I am a 28 year-old student and member of the UCG studying law in El Salvador. I am very thankful for the help of the young people for the opportunity to continue studying with the help that you and other provide by raising funds for the LifeNets scholarship program.


Karla Parada

San Benito, Peten. GUATEMALA

I want to tell you that because of the help you that you have given to me, my mom has been helped because I have other little brothers that also need to study.

The scholarship has helped me very much, because I have done my homework very calm,  not like before, worried and wondering if my mom’s money was going to be enough, because of all the expenses she has done for us.

Says a thankful goodbye,

Dalila Gonzalez Peñate.

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